
Access to Ishgard Heavensward

The start of what? Heavensward? That's literally what you do. Access to Ishgard will be like within the first few quests.

Or if people want to be able to play the Heavensward content without being up to Heavensward then I guess they don't understand the idea of an expansion pack. I'm guessing people want to be able to pick the Job buy FFXIV Gil at character creation and such. The storyline to get all the way to Heavensward will take a long time to complete. I believe people thought these new jobs would be available if they wanted to switch over anytime. Just my thought ...  *yawn* What was the Question Again ?
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Sea of clouds deffs! Riverne Site A01! I mean, Sea of Clouds!  It looks just like it. enhanced, of course. FFXI since 03'. Cerberus server. Ah, that Lv40 cap, good times. Now you made me wanna go to Riverne, 3 days i have ff xiv on ps4. Churning Mists looks captivating enough..  I'm assuming Sea of Clouds is the one with the blue sky? If so, then that one. someone told me that this is going to be dropping its subscription and go buy to play... Can anyone confirm this? Its not and never will be. Thank God. smile.  Are you going to have a freebie weekend? Let's ask for it after the servers are down or malfunctioning for 3 weeks like ARR.

