
the DFO second Awakening will appear soon

Oh boy been waiting 3 years to see this trailer in English! Grind time is back colonthree emoticon. Only thing I will say is It should of been ~you will face THE mind blowing truth~

 It's coming. They said on the stream they are working on her DFO Gold . Neople, you have done very well for yourselves in the eye of the community. You are based, and we thank you.

Does "Materials" include Profession Items, aka Cards? (Same goes for the AH having "Materials" again, does it include Profession Items as well?)  Can we buy avas, i need swag. Thanks for your hard work. You guys have done more than nx in less time. Does this mean that the sprites for 2nd Awakening will appear soon? I would really love to see those implemented in the game soon. Awesome events buy DFO gold, but I still don't have my alpha characters )-: Will I ever see them again? Avatars with stats and new content, yay! Thank you Neople~ colonthree emoticon.

I'd be very pleased if you can give me a good reason why you are going to reset our sweat-and-tear earned mileage points... I am the type of person who saves up things so I can use those things in times I really, really, really need... so resetting those things means nightmare and nonsense to me. Please give me a good reason why. Thank you. Perhaps you could have explained why in your post, it's hard to imagine I am the only one who does not appreciate the reset.

