
PS3 version silver chocobo feathers

Maybe work on your servers? It'd be nice if I wasn't randomly kicked for no reason. . Yeaaa Yea I think everyone knows that. I said "for no reason" as in I'm in a dungeon and get kicked or I log in and start buy FFXIV Gil a quest and get kicked. Obviously I wouldn't complain over something as petty as afk kicking lmfao. How about the silver chocobo feathers my wife gets them last night I got nothing so what the hell. and to change to ps4 in my account i have to log in in the ps4? You use your same log in. If you have the PS3 version, I believe you can upgrade it to the PS4 version for free, not sure if that feature is still there. If you buy the PS4 version, you will still have the license for the PS3 version.

Pretty much, if you bought the game individually for each platform, you own the licenses for them, and can log into the game with cross-play, unlike Elder Scrolls Online, where Xbox, PlayStation, and PC are not cross-play. i see in the account the option add ps4 lincense. The free upgrade period ended March 31, 2015, so you'll have to buy it. Sooo much to do cheap FFXIV Gil. Can't wait for more. I don't understand what I'm supposed to do when there's 791 players in queue. Even if I sit there an hour it won't log in. can i use keyboard and mouse with ps4?

Have only tried keyboard but I'm sure mouse can as well! the HUD UI will shift from controller to PC settings. cool. gonna give it a shot. i respect giving the option to use controller, but, in my opinion, mmo's need mouse/controller. Also, if you're interested we have a PS4 exclusive FC on Marlboro with 155 members. i'll look into it once it's done downloading. thanks!I run a Paladin so I can definitely use a controller to my leisure. But once I make an Astrologian I'll go mouse and keyboard. over my head but i look forward to learning. I preordered the the very first day we could. As of today, I have never been charged and the game never shipped. In fact, my SE Store account no longer shows my order. I emailed and was told my order was cancelled because my billing info was wrong. That is BS! I have spent hundreds on your merchandise thru the store! Why was I not notified to fix the supposed billing error?

You may also like:

How to Register the Heavensward Expansion Pack


DFO Ranked PVP

Thank you for this, wish me luck with getting from 71 to 85, ciao. Already at 78, just a matter of finding people to run time break wtih (I wonder if people are using quick party). best thing is grind in full party now, that bonus is too op. Depending on your method of leveling, utilize your FP. and lifestyle, a week to a week and a half give or take buy DFO gold. Doing all the towers each day will definitely help as well.

How about free Cera for accounts with plenty of characters over LV. 40 or LV. 50?(Especially due to event for new players).  Ah...more PVE content...of course. Please Neople, please consider us PVP players. We have been chewing on a dry bone of no content for 3 months now, while the PVE players have been getting their bellies chock full of content. All we need is Ranked PVP, and we are finally good to go.

Plus, it would also it would greatly help the streaming community. Nobody really enjoys watching someone grind PVE or sit in PRACTICE ARENA. They want to see people go through Ranked PVP, like with League of Legends. Look if you want league go play that fucking awful game Jesus stop bitching about on a game that isn't even in the same category. It has always been that way for dfo if you are looking for pvp content good luck bud you won't find it on this game. There are tons of pvp content for dfo...Jiyou.tv has plenty of videos for pvp. Joe isn't asking to play league, he just wants ranked pvp. Some people like to pve for the sake of pve and others want to pve to pvp at end. Toxic responses are gunna hurt the community, so be nice dean.
For more strategies of Dungeon Fighter Online, just keep an eye on my update!
You may also like:

Strategies for DFO Beginners Part 1

New Activities of DFO - Gold Goblin and its event


BRD is the lowest DPS average-wise in FFXIV

We're back on the Developers' Blog with a look at more new job actions (and a peek at icons)!  If your BRD is doing higher DPS than other DPSes in your raid, they are bad. That is all. BRD is the lowest DPS average-wise. Not talking about every DPS. I do 500+ DPS with my BRD in the Final Coil, not exactly the lowest in the group or low by any standards...granted, that is with Echo, but still not too shabby!
buy FFXIV Gil

 Lol white mage graphics are so obnoxious, i love it. WHM spells definitely made this game for me. White Mage looks freaking amazing! Notice the hotbars. The existing jobs have 5 shown skills, indicating they have 5 New skills. The new "jobs" have 2 full hotbars with brand new icons. This suggests that they aren't jobs at all, or at least not the way we're used to. Please don't be a Death Knight deal, square. The new jobs start at level 30, they don't even have classes like the older jobs. So yeah, they are different than what we are used to. i love my dk in wow.

I love Final Fantasy. They didn't give me my code cheap FFXIV Gil.  you can already do that.  Hurry up and let us on I preorder at gamestop. Went there and they didn't know anything going today and talking to someone else! ! It should be on your receipt. BRD is the job with the ugliest gear, worst LB, lowest DPS and the ugliest animations.. and it is also my main.  Hey now! At least your LB changes in HW!. Yeah, finally. grin Also the DPS will get higher and the gear looks kinda ok. Seems like things will finally get better.Kirimu Coat is OP bro, best looking piece in the game IMO lol. Ugliest gear? False. You mean best hats. And low dps? Not the bard I raid with. o.o.


Access to Ishgard Heavensward

The start of what? Heavensward? That's literally what you do. Access to Ishgard will be like within the first few quests.

Or if people want to be able to play the Heavensward content without being up to Heavensward then I guess they don't understand the idea of an expansion pack. I'm guessing people want to be able to pick the Job buy FFXIV Gil at character creation and such. The storyline to get all the way to Heavensward will take a long time to complete. I believe people thought these new jobs would be available if they wanted to switch over anytime. Just my thought ...  *yawn* What was the Question Again ?
cheap FFXIV Gil

Sea of clouds deffs! Riverne Site A01! I mean, Sea of Clouds!  It looks just like it. enhanced, of course. FFXI since 03'. Cerberus server. Ah, that Lv40 cap, good times. Now you made me wanna go to Riverne, 3 days i have ff xiv on ps4. Churning Mists looks captivating enough..  I'm assuming Sea of Clouds is the one with the blue sky? If so, then that one. someone told me that this is going to be dropping its subscription and go buy to play... Can anyone confirm this? Its not and never will be. Thank God. smile.  Are you going to have a freebie weekend? Let's ask for it after the servers are down or malfunctioning for 3 weeks like ARR.


a new flying mount in final fantasy xiv

We posted a new Developers' Blog entry that takes a sneak peak at a new flying mount!

 I'll be too busy at the final fantasy symphony in southern California!!!  I was hoping they would never go to flying mounts. It ruined WoW and will be the same here. There was no "community" after flying buy FFXIV Gil. Massive amounts of casuals whining about raid difficulties ruined the game, not the flying mounts. The hand me everything crowd ruins mmos not flying. Well hopefully the mounts will only be able to be used in the new continent.  *pointing at the new ship*
Its a flying proa!  Who else took a week off of work to play?

 6 days. Early access starts on my birthday. OMG... My boyfriend. I hope it's not contagious.  I wish I were lucky like that! Bills won't pay themselves. cry emoticon. My fiancé and I both took our vacation at the same time for this. We also both got physical collectors editions. Me! Two weeks actually lol.  Jesus you guys gonna eat up HW cheap FFXIV Gil in a month lmao. I use my days off a week AFTER the release. No sense in staying home and waiting to connect to the server because everyone else is trying to do the same.  I'm not taking the whole week off, just Monday & Tuesday.... i got 3 week ..in july but i wont be on most of it..got other plan. Hope it wasn't the first two days, because those first few will be filled with bugs and packed servers. We haven't heard yet why we haven't started the game download yet in the back ground while we play! Take my love, take my land.

Take my love, take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care, I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me.

Take me out to the black
Tell them I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me.


FFXIV new Xaela clan

I have not knocked anyone for choosing to play. I have actually supported the game. As a matter of fact, others are knocking people like me who are against subscription (regardless of reasoning buy FFXIV Gil). It's a good idea to be aware of your audience. Though you don't perceive it as "knocking," to others it is.

Coming to the thread of a P2P MMO and complaining about monthly fees is akin to going to a steakhouse and complaining about them using steak knives. while your comparison is on point, I don't agree with the "knocking" part. My original comment, I can see an argument that the comment is in support of f2p. However it made no negative impact on the life style or choices of subscribers. Nor any of my following comments. Yet you can see others making assumptions and judgemental comments towards me. A person should be able to eat cheap FFXIV Gil a steak however they want to, but in this case, the option is forced upon.

The "you shouldn't be allowed to play for asking that question" clan.

Seriously, the moment this game becomes free to play (never) is the moment it becomes a bad game. The moment this game goes free to play will be because it failed to hold a crowd's attention. The loss of a sub fee will not be the cause. To be clear, this is a good game with enough content so that day will not likely come for years. This has been brought up soooo many times.... Free to play = pay to win. I'd much rather have the sub fee. an ability to buy singles in the Market Board would be nice.

People like things without reading so these never work.  Keepers of the moon ftw and I haven't seen another male around which makes kinda unique. But the new Xaela clan... tempted to switch.


difference between FFXV and KH3

Nah mobile games are poop across the board. Release FFXV and KH3 or go home. Awesome game,Square are you obligated to reply with smiley faces or is that a choice you get to make? Ugh they actually went and made a game based off the collapsing enviorments shtick. Yuck. 0/10. So its Temple Run just Tomb Raiderized. Please make it compatible with THL5000 model cheap FFXIV Gil !!!! Please . Kingdom Hearts 3 release date? Sorry I just really wanna know. How the mighty have fallen. just heard the Terrible news that the Rise of a Tomb Raider will be an XBOX one exclusive how lame ! Tomb raider hasn't been a console exclusive ever . whats this monkey shine? isolating the PlayStation gamers is stupid publicity stunt that could anger a lot of dedicated Tomb Raider fans and don't feed me that junk "oh they will eventually release it for ps4" that's just stupid.the only reason they are doing this is because playstation4 stomped them in sales poor xbox one babies need a boost .i say so what. Microsoft needs to pick up the pace or sink . probably wont even purchase it when it is released for ps4 feeling let down by a corporate panic.

I like your games. Enough that whenever your mystery boxes come around, I can't really justify buying one, because I've already got most of the possibilities in my collection.

But we need to talk.What's with the prices of the "micro" transactions in Relic Run? For $58.97 I could unlock and upgrade everything. Or I could buy The most recent Tomb Raider and both Lara Croft games. Or or could buy every game you've ever released during the next Steam sale.Or if I chipped in $6.02 more, I could buy 120,000 coins or 12,000 gems - more than any sane person could ever spend in the game. And that's why I take umbrage at this strange economy you've created.