
a new flying mount in final fantasy xiv

We posted a new Developers' Blog entry that takes a sneak peak at a new flying mount!

 I'll be too busy at the final fantasy symphony in southern California!!!  I was hoping they would never go to flying mounts. It ruined WoW and will be the same here. There was no "community" after flying buy FFXIV Gil. Massive amounts of casuals whining about raid difficulties ruined the game, not the flying mounts. The hand me everything crowd ruins mmos not flying. Well hopefully the mounts will only be able to be used in the new continent.  *pointing at the new ship*
Its a flying proa!  Who else took a week off of work to play?

 6 days. Early access starts on my birthday. OMG... My boyfriend. I hope it's not contagious.  I wish I were lucky like that! Bills won't pay themselves. cry emoticon. My fiancé and I both took our vacation at the same time for this. We also both got physical collectors editions. Me! Two weeks actually lol.  Jesus you guys gonna eat up HW cheap FFXIV Gil in a month lmao. I use my days off a week AFTER the release. No sense in staying home and waiting to connect to the server because everyone else is trying to do the same.  I'm not taking the whole week off, just Monday & Tuesday.... i got 3 week ..in july but i wont be on most of it..got other plan. Hope it wasn't the first two days, because those first few will be filled with bugs and packed servers. We haven't heard yet why we haven't started the game download yet in the back ground while we play! Take my love, take my land.

Take my love, take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care, I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me.

Take me out to the black
Tell them I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me.

